Les industries Sodevamerica Inc - 3925 Grande Allée - St Hubert, QC, J4B 3V8
mail : contact@sodeva.com

Les industries Sodevamerica Inc - 3925 Grande Allée - St Hubert, QC, J4B 3V8
mail : contact@sodeva.com

Pastry cutting

All cakes or tarts, even frozen are cut in line with our machines. Our new blades allow a high speed output. Square slabs, all portions separated or pies, tarts in line.





We supply blades cutting in molds and our robotic department

is in charge of automatic loading or unloading.









  • Cut deep frozen cakes at high speed with our unique SODEVA patented blades !

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The ultrasonic technology naturally applies to pastry cutting, and pastry slicing, and with our equipment you are guaranted the following options:

idpack 3

  • No sticking to the blade, which is particularly important for some very sticky pastries
  • Possibility to install air blowers close to the blade, to prevent products from falling on the blade
  • Perfect clean cut surface WITHOUT damaging any delicate pastries
  • Possibility to automatically clean the blade, between each product, to avoid any cross contamination, such as bacteries or allergens, through the cutting
  • Options for high accuracy 3D-VISION for FIXED WEIGHT slicing to the GRAM
  • Compact and scalable machines as per your needs
  • Wide products variety slicing without any tool changing
  • High speed slicing setable from: 30 to 120 strokes / min per blade, depending the machine and your product
  • Wash down, and easy to maintain
  • Very competitive price

Download our leaflets

Tarts cutting machine in line 1500 tarts - hourTarts cutting machine in line 1500 tarts – hour

Tarts cutting machine upon tray 800 tarts - hourTarts cutting machine upon tray 800 tarts – hour

Cake slabs cutting machine 600x400 mm or 24x16 inchesCake slabs cutting machine 600×400 mm or 24×16 inches